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Sissy was always drawn to strong and dominant women, and when he met the beautiful and commanding Mistress Sakura, he knew he had found his perfect match. With her long black hair and piercing eyes, she exuded power and control, and Sissy couldn't resist her charms. As they explored their desires together, Mistress Sakura introduced Sissy to the world of riding, where she would mount him like a horse and ride him to her heart's content. Sissy was completely under her control, submitting to her every whim and desire. But it wasn't just the physical aspect that drew Sissy to Mistress Sakura. She also had a way of tapping into his deepest fantasies, including his fascination with Indian Hindi sex and the idea of being a ghoda wala bf, a horse rider in the traditional sense. Under Mistress Sakura's guidance, Sissy embraced his submissive nature and found pleasure in fulfilling her every command. He was completely at her mercy, and he loved every moment of it. Together, they explored the boundaries of pleasure and pain, with Mistress Sakura always pushing Sissy to new heights of ecstasy. And as he lay at her feet, completely spent and satisfied, Sissy knew that he had found his true purpose in submitting to the desires of this beautiful and dominant woman.
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